about us

why everyday saturday?

We needed life to slow down. We were realizing with every bedtime kiss we were just sending our kids out the door in the morning to not REALLY see them until the next bedtime kiss. All the activities, traveling dance, and the minivan going here and there. Admittedly, I (Brandon) was coming home pretty mentally drained from work and not having much left in the tank to love my family well. I needed to make a change to be the dad and husband they deserve (in progress). All of it is hard to identify other than to just call it "the grind." I think we all know it exists. We all feel it on some level. And I think it's safe to say for most of us...it wears us down.

Somehow we effectively build so much busyness into our lives that it puts life on fast forward. Why is this normal? We weren't okay having the years blaze by and being those clichè empty nesters who say, "enjoy them while they're young because it just goes by so fast." No, we ARE going to enjoy them while they're young! See, we all get to Monday and can't wait for the week to speed on by so we can get to Saturday. Why? Because Saturday is the day we finally get to do what we enjoy while spending some extra time with those we love.

We decided we're going to trade the expensive lifestyle that "the grind" commands to have some years of unique and unforgettable experiences WITH our kids (while we can still force them to be with us ha!). And hopefully we come up against new things and new challenges that will shape their (and our) character in a completely new way, as a family. Do we fear the future? Sure, but fear is one thing, and it's actually quite easy to overcome. Regret. Now that's a tricky one isn't it?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ”

why social media & content creation?

When we originally started traveling back in 2020 and took off in the RV, we really only started it for friends and family to follow our adventures. Brandon had some previous background in videography/editing so he was excited to put his skills into documenting our family travels. If nothing else our kids could look back on all the memories too! But then something crazy happened. You crazy people showed up, and keep showing up! What's more, many of you commented and DM'd us letting us know that we were inspiring you in some way. So my friend, this is, in part, your fault! We love bringing you along with us to hopefully inspire, make you laugh , bring you joy, and continue to provide content that your entire family can sit down and enjoy together. Brandon’s secret goal in life is to entertain people…make them laugh. He loves the challenge of using video to tell a story that evokes all the feels. If he can make you laugh, feel slightly awkward, and cry in the same video he has accomplished his life goal.

Our ultimate goal for you...not to sell the farm and buy a sailboat, don't be daft. You'd have to be a huge idiot to do that! But to make some mental, physical, and logistical shifts to at least trickle in some of "everyday saturday" vibes into your life. It doesn’t have to be done the way we’re doing it. But we do believe with all of our hearts that everyone can do something to creatively live like everyday saturday!

the crew

  • Brandon (captain)

    A simple man…just give him breakfast and Mexican food. Loves mountain biking and technology. He has the unique ability to say things to people that most people would never get away with saying. A stranger he has never met. Use to not have a dad bod.

  • Amber (real captain)

    Delivered twins with no meds (because Brandon coached her through it, obviously). She has supernatural amounts of patience, compassion, and empathy. She’s that friend that can sit in your mess with you and talk you through it. She holds more gas than our boat, Evy.

  • Jadyn (1st mate)

    Name the time and the place and she’ll be there to party. Jadyn is always down for an adventure and loves to be active. She received the “never meets a stranger” gene from her dad. She’s actually a big reason we got a sail boat. She was determined that we had to do this!

  • Hudson (deck hand)

    Our 100% full send boy who has no fear. He’ll be on his third jump off a 30ft cliff into water while everyone else is still thinking about it. Has the mind of an engineer and the attention span of goldfish. All that wrapped up in a heart of gold. Hudson is our softy.

  • Brittan (deck hand)

    The family introvert. We’re not sure where she came from. Timid and risk adverse. She was the one in the family didn’t want to go sailing. She doesn’t like talking about her feelings but loves a good snuggle sesh. Afraid of storms, high wind, and sharks. This could be interesting.

  • Koen (boat sinker)

    Our unplanned caboose (aren’t we supposed to call that a “blessing”?). Koen saw Hudson’s 100% full send boy-ness and raised him 1000%. You don’t break your leg at 11 months by being soft. He plays hard and sleeps harder. His loud, raspy voice even can even make the whales shutter.